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Upper Egypt to host 4,000 KM of renewable energy projects – EQ Mag

Upper Egypt to host 4,000 KM of renewable energy projects – EQ Mag


CAIRO : Some 4,000 kilometers in Upper Egypt are allocated to power-generating solar and wind stations, an official source in the Ministry of Electricity told Egypt Today Monday.

Aswan in southern Egypt is a promising governorate for solar energy projects, the source said. New stations with a capacity of 700 megawatts are being established to Komombo, and there are future projects with a capacity of 2000 megawatts, he added.

During the next 5 years, Egypt will witness unprecedented expansions in renewable energy to be an integrated power solution that the state needs in mega projects, the source explained.

Renewable energy will also be an essential element in water desalination projects, green hydrogen production and safe disposal of radioactive waste, he continued.

Source: egypttoday