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Why Does Your Organization Need A White Label LMS? – EQ Mag Pro

Why Does Your Organization Need A White Label LMS? – EQ Mag Pro


An organization, while delivering training to employees, tries to highlight its brand and logo. However, developing an LMS often comes at a huge cost, and requires skills and technical expertise which the organization may not be able to meet.

In such a scenario, they buy a ready-made and unbranded LMS software from a third-party vendor and give it their name. LMS can help optimize solar panel inputs and outputs and stabilize the grid. But the systems are costly. A white label LMS is a great solution for new green energy companies.

The term white label was first used in the music industry in the 90s. The DJs and radio stations would often put a white label on the CDs or cassettes to prevent the disclosure of the name of the source to their competitors. However, today, white labeling is widely used in different sectors like- clothing, software, cosmetics, and many more.

Now, before we move further, let us first also understand what is an LMS.

A learning management system (LMS) is a web-based technology that helps in planning, delivering, and tracking online training programs. As the world is becoming more and more digitized, organizations too have changed the mode of training. Now training is given on a virtual platform. Seeing the way LMS is amassing immense popularity, the need for a white label LMS too has grown.

Need for a white label LMS-


The organization, instead of building an LMS from scratch, can outsource this work to a third-party vendor. In this way, it need not hire a team of technical experts who would charge exorbitant fees. The third-party vendor can customize the LMS as per the organization’s needs.


With a white label LMS, the organization can save time. It does away with the need to bring eLearning project managers and other experts on board to design an LMS for online training. Thus, the organization can focus on core business operations.

Plenty of alternatives-

White labeling LMS gives an upper hand to organizations to pick and choose the best LMS for their organization. This decision can be based on what kind of app you need, features you want, and whether your pocket can afford it or not.

Brand building

When the online learners or employees see an LMS platform under the organization’s name and logo, they become happier. Your organization’s brand is the basis for attracting online learners. When they see your organization’s logo and brand on the website, social media, and mobile apps, they can easily reach out to you. This aids in brand building of the organization that can help them funnel profits.

Engage online learners-

Online learners’ engagement in the eLearning course depends on how the organization is trying to elevate the user experience. This can be explained as follows:

An off-shelf LMS will definitely push you out of the race and decrease the online learner’s engagement. However, with a white label LMS, the organization can customize and tailor the eLearning experience. For instance, they can decide on the theme, graphics, and colors along with other design elements on their own.

White Label LMS provides cloud-based LMS solutions too. This eradicates the need to install any software or hardware. The online learners can get online training by simply clicking on the login option on the web portal. The online instructors and eLearning project managers can upload the eLearning courses and material on the cloud, which can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

Wrapping up-

The eLearning industry is fastly growing today and organizations are running after the best LMS platforms. Here, the white label LMS provides the best solution to tap into the world of online training and learning without any worries.

Source: greenprophet